Unaffiliate Info

P.E.O.’s are constantly on the move, and one of the wonderful unique things about our sisterhood is that almost everywhere you go in the US and Canada there is a P.E.O. chapter. This can sometimes be the first contact in a new community, providing a “built-in” network of sisters to help adjust to the new location.

The unaffiliate process is what enables a moving P.E.O. (unaffiliate) to connect with the P.E.O. chapters in the area where she is moving. It’s also a way for chapters who want to increase their membership to find out who has moved into their area.

When a P.E.O. moves an address change is made on the International website.  Using these changes, Washington State will now be generating the unaffiliate lists from International Chapter information.

The Washington State Unaffiliate lists by reciprocity are available here

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